
Navigating Imposter Syndrome and Understanding How It Can Support Your Growth.

Hands up if you have ever experienced Imposter Syndrome or the Fraud Factor?

Yup, I most definitely have. When it arises, I am filled with self-doubt, wondering ‘who the hell am I to be saying or doing this?!’

 It has been active throughout my adult life; in my corporate career, when I launched my business, when I volunteered to Coach my daughter's football team, then again, when I pivoted my business.  To be totally honest, it has even come up again when launching my latest offering!

It’s an icky sensation of dread and discomfort, sitting deep in my solar plexus - the root of our emotional body and subconscious. Before I began practising self-regulation, the sensations would spiral quickly, moving into my upper body, manifesting as anxiety, along with other physical symptoms, and negative self-talk.

Imposter Syndrome is emotionally and energetically exhausting. On the outside, we wear a mask that shows everyone ‘I’ve got this!’, on the inside, we fear that we are going to be ‘discovered’ or 'found out' as a fraud.

We try to ‘fix’ Imposter Syndrome, which I have found to be like sticking a band-aid onto it.

Imposter Syndrome has deep roots.

What I uncovered was surprising but also a relief. It transformed my relationship with Imposter Syndrome. I no longer looked at it as if it was a sniper trying to take me out but instead a messenger reminding me to regulate my system as well as showing me what is coming up for healing, as part of my growth. It is a process, which is why it doesn't just 'go away'.

I still experience the sensations of Imposter Syndrome and that's ok! This is part of the human experience, but it definitely helps to navigate the process with as much grace and ease that is available to us.

It goes way beyond mindset work. 

Self-regulation and relearning to self-soothe, through somatic techniques from the science and wisdom of Kundalini Yoga and Energy Healing work, have played a huge part on my healing journey, helping me to navigate the sensations to serve me, rather than being controlled by them. I like to think of it as energetic alchemy.  

When we use the strong winds of self-doubt to support the sails of our metaphoric boat, to our advantage, we navigate more gracefully around the challenges and obstacles, instead of crashing into them.  This is resilience. 

When Imposter Syndrome arises now, know you're on the right track.

Imposter Syndrome has roots in our childhood.  But we can upgrade the old childhood programmes that are running by reparenting ourselves and understanding how to self-regulate and relearning new self-soothing techniques that serve us.

Which is why I invite you to go within, and look at the Inner Child.

Who is the Inner Child?

Well, it is you. 

The Inner Child lives in all of us, the aspects of self that we have denied, hidden or suppressed.

We all carry unresolved wounds or trauma - trauma doesn’t have to be big T trauma, for the majority of us it is little t trauma - when activated, our Inner Child runs the show.  

As children, particularly as young girls we were conditioned to be people pleasers, the ‘good’ girl.  We may not have felt seen, heard or valued. Or we were validated based on what we achieved.  We learnt to play the role of 'perfectionist' to earn love or validation.

Perfectionism is a key trait of Imposter Syndrome.

Our Inner Child protects us but keeps us in survival mode (fight or flight). These old programmes slow down our growth. We end up fearing change instead of embracing it. We become ‘fixed’ in our mindset and block the opportunities that are available to support our growth.

It’s now our time to heal AND grow AND thrive.

When we nurture and support our Magical Inner Child, we unleash new levels of creativity, we take healthy risks and create a ‘growth’ mindset.

When we lean in and trust the unconditional loving support of our Magical Child, we thrive, and reach beyond our self-imposed limitations.  Life truly becomes magical as we begin living a more aligned, authentic and soul-led life.

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Self-Doubt, Imposter Syndrome, the Fraud Factor or Self-Sabotage has many guises. Learn to recognise it and how to overcome it.

Self-Doubt, Imposter Syndrome, the Fraud Factor or Self-Sabotage has many guises and it has been showing up A LOT over the last week for me, my coaching clients and my yoga students.

Is it slowing you down?

Even today, as I write this, my inner Gremlin piped up, ‘why are you even bothering, who’s going to want to read this’?  Of course, I politely thanked it, gave it the finger, then continued.

My friend Mary, who is also a fantastic Coach, calls her inner critics or Gremlins the ‘shitty committee’🤣 how brilliant is that!

Do you have a name for yours? When does your Gremlin or ‘shitty committee’ pop up?

I've noticed how my Gremlins are particularly shouty when I am going through shifts, growth spurts in my evolution or when I embark on a new project in my business. I used to freak out and then procrastinate, then do that thing I like to call Ostrich Syndrome where I bury my head in the sand! Thankfully, I don’t do that anymore - although procrastination does occasionally show up and when it does, I know it’s my self-doubt trying to out smart me!

Nowadays, I welcome my Gremlins (sometimes it definitely feels like more than one!) with open arms, give them a cuddle and shower them with love. Acknowledging that these Gremlins are just facets of me that are scared, small unresolved or unhealed parts of me, hidden and buried in my subconscious. They fear disapproval, judgement, being disliked and rejection.  This stems from our past; if our ancestors were rejected from their tribes or communities, it resulted in death, but thankfully rejection these days generally does not result in death!  The old primitive brain, or limbic brain, is doing its job and keeping us safe, as this is what it has learnt. So it's a matter of bringing this to our awareness, reassuring our brain (and Gremlins) that these fears do not have an awful ending.  Yes, it will feel uncomfortable but we need to allow ourselves to sit with and be amongst the discomfort of those feelings, without distraction.  Soon those feelings of rejection, disapproval, dislike no longer feel scary.

Growth is uncomfortable (remember growing pains?!) and transformation is icky, but if we don’t get comfortable with the uncomfortable, we continue to play small, or to stay invisible.  As well as our limbic brain, our ego (in the form of Gremlin or inner critic) chimes in to protect us. They hold us back from radiating our true greatness.  The best thing we can do is to surrender to the discomfort, give it the attention and love it needs to transmute it.  When we transmute energy, this is where the alchemy happens.  From here we can take action that is aligned with who we truly are.

So next time self doubt appears, know that it’s a sign that you’re on the right path and that a new you is emerging.

I no longer do the power pose in a corporate toilet cubicle before presenting to hundreds (although there is nothing wrong with it!) I have a Mary Poppins bag full of technologies and strategies to clear out the subconscious, to shift and transmute energy and emotions that come up in my day to help me navigate through the challenges with more grace, courage and ease.  

This is why I chose the Good Morning Krya for last Thursday’s Kundalini Yoga class.  Whether you are an entrepreneur running your own business, a corporate leader or a busy mother, this krya gets you started physically, emotionally and mentally.It’s called Good Morning because it gets everything started, just like the morning gets the day started. Of course, you don’t have to do it in the morning; it can be done anytime of the day.  This krya will support with:

  • Motivation 
  • Focus and clarity
  • Balancing the endocrine system (homeostasis)
  • Breaking negative thought patterns, habits of Self Doubt, ‘Imposter Syndrome’ or ‘Fraud Factor
  • Building courage
  • Increasing confidence

If you missed the live class, fear not! You can access the recorded replay here:

Go on, give it a go!

As one of my clients insightfully said to me after her session last week, 'sometimes we have to breakdown to have the breakthroughs!' As a Coach I hold space for my clients so that they are held and supported during and in-between sessions. Coaching is a co-creation, so don't ever feel you have to through any of the discomfort alone.

If you feel you may need some additional support with breaking patterns and habits of Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt, or heal subconscious blocks that are holding you back, then book your free 60 minute Coaching Consultation with me to see how Coaching can help you. Book your your Free Consultation here.

Beautiful Soul reading this, it is time for you to rise, to show up and be visible.  The world needs your light right now, more than ever.

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