Are you navigating through change? An awakening, or midlife crisis (which I believe is a type of Spiritual Awakening), or menopause or looking to change career, or are you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed on how to navigate the changes ahead?
Life has a knack of putting us into situations or events that our 'human' self might find challenging or 'unfair'. Becoming more self-aware or spiritually aware does not mean that these changes or challenges will go away - I don't have a magic wand for that - but what I can support you with is to learn how to navigate change and life's challenges, with more grace and ease.
After our short time together you may also find that you are less triggered and less reactive to challenges and situations as you learn to ride challenges confidently and respond to change from a place of inner knowing.
Being a human being has it's challenges, but it is a beautiful ride when you learn how to ride the wave, and to laugh when you fall off, and to get back on again.
The benefits and results:
What’s included in this 3 month programme:
Length of Programme:
Programme Investment: